4/24-4/28 Weekly Work Log

Session Number 5
Week Number 7
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: ~2.5
What was your overall goal for this week? Spend less time on Endless Road and… detox it? 5 mins a day max. Work on practicing and getting down Livewire and creating new music, and specifically for this week learning some music theory to change keys mid-song smoothly.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/24ER 12-14 DP, noodling with new music (forgot to record).30 No. I practiced for 8 minutes, which is a bit above my time, but that’s OK, and I didn’t make progress on livewire.
4/25 DP on 12-14 ER, learning I Love My Woman by Zach Winters, and fiddling/improv. Little bit of livewire practice.~50 mins …Yes? I met all my goals, but it wasn’t super organized or perfect – and I think every once in a while it’s okay to just noodle around and be passionate about music and learn stuff you can’t sing well and don’t want to spend time learning. I think this was a best practice this time, but I don’t want to make this a consistent habit.
 4/26 — dentist —  
 4/27 — track meet —  
 4/28 Technical DP/RP on livewire, brandy, and ER, and creative practice on lots of fiddling and stuff, specifically broken, broken down. ~40 Yes – did exactly what I wanted on DP’s and RP’s and think I have in Broken Broken Down.

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